
The pro photographer for Rockin’ the Beach snapped a decent-ish shot of me on Saturday. I’m still not buying as really how many shots of me running do I really need? But here’s the watermarked version:

One of the folks working the check-in/aid station at Cruise the Marina was good enough to snap some photos as I ran by and sent them to me. Mar Tin is a guy who just picked up marathoning on a whim in the last few months. He’s off on some 50K and 50 milers soon — that’s amazing. Also amazing?  The woman who that morning ran her 51st 5K of the year. Inspiration is everywhere… and I could use some as I’m feeling roly-poly, lumberingly slow and destined to scrub my moonshot.

So far this morning I’ve ignored my alarm and had some leftover mac and cheese.  This is an inauspicious, ignoble start to my recommitment to serious training.