My name is Kevin S. Hanna. Somewhat incredibly, I have become a marathoner. I run. A lot. It started as a desire to run a marathon. Just one. And I did that in 2004. Then my brother said he’d like to run a marathon and I thought it’d be fun to do that with him. After that, I got used to eating and drinking way more than I should… so my options were either to cut back on indulgences or keep up with the running. And that’s when I got hooked.
There have been a lot of miles since then. And while I don’t always love running, I’m always glad to have run.
So this is a website devoted to tales from the road. Some of it’s silly, some of it’s serious. And some of it inconceivably is not all about running. But most of it is about the running.
Run Kevin Run Dot Com.