Sometimes The “Nay”s Have It

I just cancelled dinner plans for tonight with two of my favorite people in the world.

I may have had something funky at dinner last night at Fox and Hounds (albeit our dream team “Johnny B Dead” came in first at pub trivia!).

And I should say it’s not the literal rain falling outside, cascading over my leaf-filled gutters in waterfalls that rival Gulfoss in Iceland. No, no, I asked Brent and Tamela for a rain check because at this stage I’m curled up on my couch sipping ginger ale.

I also failed to go out for a run this morning. I just couldn’t muster the strength. My legs are stiff and sore and despite the emotional toll not running takes on my already fragile psyche, the physical requirements proved too much.

I’m worried about this uber-slow recovery I’m having post-Modesto. It wasn’t that tough of a course or day, even if I felt like it was a success only as a failure. This is one of the few times I may acknowledge there’s a fourth Indiana Jones movie:

Mac: This ain’t going to be easy.
Indy: Not as easy as it used to be.
Mac: Well, we’ve been through worse.
Indy: Yeah, when?
Mac: Flensburg. There was twice as many.
Indy: We were younger.
Mac: I still am young!
Indy: We had guns. Put your hands down, will you; you’re embarrassing us.

On top of that, I’m a little intimidated by this weekend. The 50k is now a 55k. And the digital participant guide just got forwarded to me by the race director. A few choice highlights:


The notion of bearing the cost of a search party if yo fail to notify the orange area that you quit makes sense… but the thought that there may be a need for a search party because I’ve fallen off a cliff or am literally lying in a ditch in the desert seems… distressing? Exciting? Crazed? All of the above?

I appreciated the “Train” element for the pre-race checklist.  I’m a little concerned I may have underestimated this one despite my Run Kevin Run efforts.

On the plus side, they included an activities page… including a sudoku, word search, AND a stamp scavenger hunt.

One way or another: Challenges… for better or worse… accepted.