The Modesto Marathon – A Successful Failure

Seven seconds.  I missed my Boston Qualifying time by seven seconds.  Not that hitting the 3:15:00 time would’ve gotten me INTO Boston, but it was my BQ time… and would’ve netted me a “I BQ’d At Modesto” t-shirt.

The weather was good, and save for Mount Modesto (the affectionately named bridge with an elevation ascent of 113 feet, 4 inches), the course was almost entirely flat.  It should have been an easy BQ course for me… and yet, it was not.  I just couldn’t seem to push any faster; I couldn’t seem to dig any deeper; I just couldn’t get it done.  And so while a 3:15:07 is a pretty good time, it feels oddly… disappointing to me.  Maybe it was seeing the fully-geared Army officer running the race or the quadripilegic pushing himself on a skateboard out on the course but I feel like I should’ve been able to do more, to get this one done.  If these brave, mighty individuals who were enduring far tougher conditions that I in my wicking t-shirt and shorts could do such amazing things, why couldn’t I move my keister a little feister… er, faster?

I have no excuse save that I failed.  Today was a failure.  It’s been a long time since I really felt like I blew it… albeit in other avenues of my life I’ve been feeling that quite a lot having aged up into new bracket territory.  The lines on the face are deeper, harsher; the recovery from runs takes longer; life itself has highlighted that the sands of time are ever faster rushing down through the hourglass and never back up.

This morning was a failure.  A failure of character.  Of spirit.  Of soul.

I’m in a melancholy state.

Oddly, despondent over missing the BQ by THAT much, I should have been overjoyed when the Beer/Wine Garden security wouldn’t let me in without ID as I looked “under 30.”  When I insisted on taking photos to document such a momentous occasion, they relented figuring no one under 30 would be that thrilled to be turned away.  I had a sangria as a result.

Oh, and I got a free photo with a Cool Cow.  It’s udderly charming.

Sorry, I had to milk it.

A quick note on the medal — I think it’s supposed to be an iPhone.  Why is it an iPhone?  I have no idea.  It’s inscrutable.

Seven seconds.  Though in truth the 2017 cutoff wound up being 2 minutes and 9 seconds UNDER The qualifying time… so I was REALLY 2 minutes and 16 seconds off.

That point of view doesn’t help.
