Origin Stories For Super Heroes


I think I was bitten not by a radioactive spider but instead attacked by some lethargic bug. It’s hard to even hold my head up and I keep drifting back to sleep whilst never feeling rested. I don’t feel awful; I just feel exhausted. It’s a weird sensation. I must be fighting some nasty, lazy […]

Post Race Blues


I’m struggling today. After a pretty good showing at the LA Marathon yesterday (a 3:22:20 chip time), I’m in a funk. Part of it is the natural come-down from the adrenaline and endorphin high of running. And part of it is a series of moments and events that have contributed to a general post-race blues. […]



It was a sleepless night that had me constantly fretting I was covered in Poison Oak from my trail run.  I’m 75% sure I’m not… but there is a 25% chance I know absolutely nothing about nature’s poisoning capabilities… actually I’m 100% sure I know almost nothing about the true signs of nature’s killing capabilities.  […]