Timing Troubles

I was supposed to have an eye doctor appointment today… but I screwed up the dates. Because apparently I was supposed to have an eye doctor appointment YESTERDAY. For some reason I had typed into my phone to remind me I had a doctor’s appointment and I thought that meant as a reminder it was for the next day and thus assumed I was right. And this after I railed against the three different reminders the office sent me — email, text, and automated phone call — that the appointment was at 2:45 PM. I didn’t bother checking the date as I was 100% sure I knew what day it was.

We all know what happens when we assume… but what about when we’re 100% sure? I’m pretty sure that means I just make an ass of myself.

I’ve mucked up some travel plans lately for races too…   I’ve forgotten to book hotels and rental cars recently… haven’t screwed up flights in a couple of years but everything else has gone pear shaped lately.  I spent the morning booking various components of 2017 races and I’m wondering how much of that I screwed up.  I’m too chicken to look at it right now.

My mind is forever voyaging.  And yet there’s been far too many detours and dead ends lately.  It must be the years and the mileage. But mainly the years.  I’m feeling old and forgetful and sad today.

Here’s what I posted to Facebook as I’m too lazy to try and compose something new here.  Hell, ask me again tomorrow and I’ll probably not remember which came first — the facebook or the blog.

Oh, your office works on the Gregorian calendar… so you’re saying my appointment is not today but was in fact for yesterday. You’re saying all those annoying text messages and phone call reminders were actually telling me the appointment was for this supposed 29th of November date. And you’re saying today is NOT the 29th of November but is in fact the 30th of November. I suppose if we want to get technical then the fault lies squarely with me. But I’m still going to be in a snit. Not so much at you but at myself. You’re just collateral snit damage. And I’m sorry for that. It’s a snit storm. Snits happen. Doesn’t make them any less awful and I apologize for what I’m saying in my snit. This has been one snitty day.