My First Marathon Bib

This is why we go through boxes before throwing them out, even if they’ve been sitting in a closet for years gathering dust.

I came across an envelope that said, “Marathon Stuff” and inside I found a few pieces from when Steve and I ran the LA Marathon… and this blast from the past:


My very first marathon bib — heck, my very first racing bib of any distance — the inaugural Salt Lake City Marathon in 2004.

I distinctly remember that I finished the race and sprawled out on the grass, letting the sunlight hit me full in the face like I was Superman seeking healing rays from our Yellow Sun.  I called some family and friends on my even then antiquated pay-as-you-go Virgin Mobile Nokia phone.  I huffed and puffed, and I excitedly but exhaustedly told them one-by-one that I’d finished. And I swore to each of them, and vowed to one and all, and promised definitively that SLC was the first and last race I’d ever do.

I guess promises were made to be broken.