Sweatin’ To The Oldies

Ugh. The heat index is supposedly 106 degrees. But I’ve gone out for a run to try and rollback a few of the calories I’ve overdone lately and as part of my patent pending “Shock and Awe” medicinal cure. I’ve got a scratchy, sore throat and general malaise feeling. I’m hoping it’s just cumulative jetlag and sleep deficiencies catching up to me but I’m worried it’s something far more… Ill-y? Sickly? Germ-y?

My plan, which has so far as I know zero scientific support but has worked empirically now and again for me in the past, is to try and sweat out as much of this malarkey as I can. One hundred and six degree heat index weather therefore is… ideal? Desirable? A glutton?

Runners who recognize the addiction of the endorphins and mental flow that comes from having run will recognize the irrational rationalization — I feel sick so I’ll go run and pummel the sickness into submission. Perhaps not the wisest advice especially given politically incorrect classic wives’ tales (why not old man tales? or mature women and men knowledge passed down from generations before tales?). What’s the phrase? Starve a cold, feed a fever? Feed a cold, starve a fever? Red sky at night, sailor’s delight? Run all day and sweat out the germs?

Who can say?


Kevin’s Tech Note: My iPhone is being persnickety and doesn’t want to play well with my Windows 10 desktop and Google Picasa photo program. I’m trying to import the photos from Reykjavik but it’s going… poorly. If my head were a bit less stuffy and clogged, I’m sure the solution would be super easy. But as it stands now, I’m going to push “pause” on uploading the Iceland posts. They’re written… I would say they’re OVER-written and delve into sidebars and sand traps of meaningless tangents of interest only to me… but the photos will make them far more enjoyable. I mean, who really reads the prose anyway? We all just skim the headlines and then enjoy the pics, right?

Next time on runkevinrun.com…