The Countdown Is On

While the days, hours, minutes tick away to the 500th marathon, I find myself dealing with any number of unforced errors. Just amateurish mistakes that I should have known better to make.

From an early morning flight that requires an even earlier wakeup (why do I never remember such things when I book tickets for 6 AM?)…

To a rental car that I suddenly realize needs an additional driver as I will not be able to run the marathon and drive people around to try and see me…

To a hotel that is farther afield than I realized but given the price gouging of the Patriots’ Day/Boston Marathon demand means we’re stuck with it…

To picking the wrong lines for security, the wrong line for the way into the marathon expo, for trying to drive in a “lane” in Boston when traffic is governed more by the uncertainty principle than concepts of “order” or “rules.”

It’s been a day… but at least I have family and friends cheering me on for this silly thing I’m doing.