April 25, 2018 – A Quick Update on the Kathmandu Urban Marathon

There will be more to come when I recover a bit more. But the short, short version begins with this post I put up on Facebook:

The race itself was most definitely… unique. I made a joke that it might be like CBS’s Amazing Race… and it really, really was due to more than a few times my inability to find the route markers and getting all turned around and lost. Had Jerry Bruckheimer TV been filming it, they’d have played that, “Look at these idiots missing the obvious” music as the camera surreptitiously zoomed past my confused look to show the route marker in plain sight.

The stretch that reminded me of being a glorified extra in WAGES OF FEAR/SORCERER was crazy….

But anytime I had to get through intersections were actually the most precarious… and prone to my going the wrong way caught up in the flow of the traffic currents.

This video is one of the times I felt marginally safe enough to pull out my phone and shoot a sample POV.

Bottom line is I finished in 4:09:43… dusty, crusty, and tired.  I didn’t take a huge number of photos as I was, well, only able to think about so many things at once:  Half my mind was on the traffic, half my mind was on the potholes or rocks or terrain to avoid tripping, and half was focused on trying to find route markers.  That already left me half out of my mind so trying to take more photos would have made me completely crazy… though I occasionally went full Norman Bates psycho so, there will be photos and a story or two later.

In the meantime, here’s a finish line pic to tide us all over: