De Plane! De Plane! De… Wait, What?!

I’m skipping a race this weekend. There’s always a possible marathon every weekend and while I was tempted to try and get some mileage in in anticipation of Bali next week, I’m just not feeling it. The closest, easiest option is another one down in Long Beach and I’ve run those courses too often recently to rouse much interest.

But Long Beach DOES have something that has piqued my interest. Tomorrow, as a fundraiser for Special Olympics, there’s a plane pull.

Teams of I don’t know how many grab a rope and try and drag a jumbo jet down the runway. How far? I don’t know. I actually didn’t do a whole lot of research beyond gazing at the photos and reading this line on the waiver that made me think, “this is something I should do.”

Pull Quote 1: “No skill level is required to pull the plane.”

And thus:

I had gotten a few people interested and while we weren’t enough to field a team, we would be enough to show up and be placed on a team as individuals, “Single Rider” lines at theme park style.

That is until I clicked on a FAQ with these intriguing stats:

So… it seems like a sure thing we’ll be able to pull the plane (even though they’re offering two attempts per team)… and it looks like the most time it will take is 12.229 seconds… so less than 13 seconds.

Thirteen seconds.


I’ve forwarded the details to folks and we’re all having second thoughts. Or I suppose more precisely thirteen second thoughts.

It’s a long way to Long Beach for 13 seconds.

Coin toss?