I’m feeling mighty low…

I don’t know if it’s extreme dehydration, food poisoning, depression, cumulative sleep deficits tipping the scales, or a combination of the above with various unnamed elements. But the reality is I’m feeling awful.

Debilitatingly, nauseated, curled-up-on-the-couch-and-would-welcome-death-as-the-only-release-Black Hole-the-movie-style awful.

I meant to go for a 13 mile run this morning to account for at least a part of the excessive recent caloric overages. I have thus far logged only more stress eating, I’ll-try-anything-to- feel-better “comfort” junk food and nary a step.  Which has only made me feel worse and less inclined to get out the door.

Life and failure have won the day:

“Homeless Hare” (1950), directed by Chuck Jones