What $140.90 in photos looks like…

Well… they were able to replace the touchscreen on my phone so I could unlock it. Unfortunately because it had previously been opened to have a screen replaced (thanks again, The Marathon of the Treasure Coast!), and because there was a significant amount of water/perspiration due to uBreakiFix not putting the right gasket on the edge of the device, they couldn’t give me any warranty or guarantee that the repair would fix anything.

And sure enough, the rear camera doesn’t work and the mute/volume toggle switch is defective. But I was able to salvage the photos.

Here’s what $140.90 bought me picture wise from the Blast the Coastline Marathon. Spoiler Alert: it wasn’t worth it… not just because the pics are ho-hum repetitive but because the phone is still damaged and not 100% functional.


On top of everything else that’s gone oh-so-predictably-poorly,. I just cut my foot on some stray glass shards from when the house got broken into the other week.

This has been one craptastic weekend.

Morale is low if even existent for the moonshot… and maybe for life itself.  I’m close to just curling up on the coach in a fetal position but given that EVERY decision I seem to be making is wrong I’m not even sure that’s a viable option.