runDisneylandParis – A Logistical Nightmare Continues

So… there were snafus in the registration for the Disneyland Paris Half Marathon Weekend. But I successfully navigated that obstacle course and paid my euros to, as the French say, “Mickey Mouse.”

Side note: if you’d like to see an unofficial listing of Mickey’s names in foreign lands, here’s one.

Now I’ve just received an email (excerpted below) that is an email telling me I will be getting an email. A plan to plan to register after having registered I guess.

My brain hurts. I haven’t run today and yet still my legs hurt. It’s 100 degrees plus outside (even if having flown across the country this morning to a place that bills itself as having “a dry heat”). Fortunately, I’ve kept “preciously” my credentials clean for submitting the appropriate forms when the time does come, including a medical clearance that says I can run a half marathon.

This is one of those days though wherein I should not be dealing with logistics so maybe it’s for the best that they’ve just sent me an email preview of an email forthcoming to finalize my registration despite the fact they’ve already charged my credit card. Were I to fill things in today, I’m likely to inadvertently cause an international incident. And there’s been enough of those lately.