Failure As The Only Option?

The moonshot is most definitely in jeopardy. Given my recent training runs, there’s a strong possibility of exploding on take-off or a scrubbed no-go before I even start.

This was today’s “run.”

It’s a poor showing for the needed sub 7 minute mile average.

it actually needs to be a 6:40 pace for 26.2 miles… or almost 4 and a half minutes faster per mile than today’s “run.”

I’ve got a few training marathons ahead to try and get me back into racing shape as opposed to just running shape but I’m concerned to say the least.

I will be cutting back on the mileage in a gradual taper but given the weight gain and versus other factors, I’m not sure if that’s the right strategy.  It’s been a long time since I made the right choices.  Hell, I paid $849 for an “I” that is just given away to cheerleaders.

Sigh.  Feeling blue.