May the Course, the Fourth, and the Cinco De Cuatro Be With You

It’s become de rigueur to see a supporter sign at races proclaiming, “May The Course Be With You.” I appreciate ANY support and any signs… but as a Star Wars kid from a long time ago in a town far, far away, I have a special place in my heart for LucasFilm signage.

Today is, as people like to internetically meme, “Star Wars Day” and thus there are a number of postings with “May the Fourth Be With You!” as a thing.

But, as an Arrested Development fan from Day 1 (November 2, 2003… which should, note to self, henceforth be known as AD Day), I think it’s important to remember today is ALSO Cinco de Cuatro:

Borrowed from:

Let us therefore remember one of the most important lessons in life:

There’s always money in the banana stand <wink>.