What the Punxsutawney Phil?!

It was a slow hour to go ten miles in this. The muscle memory of driving icy roads in the Northeast carried me through, but it was a mentally and emotionally exhausting ordeal.

As a result, this is a shortened post because I just can’t seem to muster the wherewithal for wit, wisdom, or words of any kind.

I had never seen the Grand Canyon save from 30,000 feet. I guess I still haven’t.

I always pictured it more, um, visible–

To be fair, there was a brief… ever so brief… respite in precipitation. The sun poked through long enough to produce a snowbow (NB: colors obviously tweaked for effect).

And despite looking super fat and weather beaten, I did get this one Grand shot of the canyon…

Literally moments after the shutter shut, the snow re-snow-umed.

I’m staying the night in Flagstaff. It’s forecast to have a low of 23 degrees.

Spring has supposedly sprung… but I’m calling that “fake news.”