Fifty Bucks of Black and Blue


Today was my second session of physical therapy. I feel like it’s a weird sadomasochistic hooker scenario. I basically paid $50 to be prodded, shoved, bullied, and shocked. Is this physical therapy or an S&M club? I don’t know if it’s helping. My shoulder aches, more than it did before I started this regimen of […]

Follow the Cheesecake


It’s one of those days. My knee is still bugging me, I’m seeing more grey hairs when I look in the mirror, I feel sluggish, lethargic, and full of meh. I went to a physical therapist yesterday to address yet again the lingering pain in my right shoulder that comes and goes. Despite the X-Rays […]

Adding Insult to Injury


I’ve had an issue with my right shoulder for over 7 months now. It hurts sometimes to raise it in victory when I’m running and posing for a photo along the course.  It hurts sometimes to lift things.  It hurts sometimes when I’m lying in bed.  It hurts.  And I don’t like it. I can […]