Loaded and Mashed


Pre-Post: Dang it!  I should’ve called that woman behind me at the Hollywood Bowl “Countess Zsa Zsa Gabby Bore!”  Too late now; I’ve already “published” that blog post.  Sometimes I go back in and edit things after the fact but I always feel a little guilty about doing that… like I’m making Greedo shoot first […]

On The Plane Again


I had set my alarm for 5:07 am. I wanted to try and get a run in before heading to the airport. The Radar sound reverberated out of the tiny iPhone speaker and… well, I ignored it. My legs are sore, I’m still stuffy and it was a marginally late night walking back from the […]



I took a breather from marathoning today. Despite the occasional indulgence in pie, I tried really, really hard to control my calories during the Northwest Series in the hopes I might lose a few pounds over the course of the various 26.2 mile+ courses. I failed. But given the current state of affairs globally, with […]