Asheville Half Marathon


I’m a bit of a Kev-sicle. It’s just cold enough and breezy enough that my core is frozen. We were told to keep warm in the surrounding buildings that the Biltmore folks had opened for us – I opted for Cedric’s, a pub named after one of the Vanderbilts’ beloved St Bernard’s. Unfortunately, despite overflowing […]

Argh! EVERY time I fall for it…


Dateline – Asheville Half-Marathon, 5:27 AM I’m like Charlie Brown trying to kick a football held by Lucy. Every time a race tells me to get there early because the shuttle bus lines will be long I wind up with this kind of experience. EVERY TIME. I can’t stand it!  I’m a blockhead!

To FB or Not To FB…


I had deactivated my Facebook account for a week to get away from the “noise” that seemed to pelt me each time I checked in on my FB page. But due to my understanding that any race related weather updates being posted on the Asheville Marathon Facebook page, information that may or may not lead […]

Asheville Exposition and Prognosticastion


The Asheville Marathon Expo was separated into two ballrooms… i originally didn’t know this and couldn’t figure out why I didn’t get a running shirt. The volunteers were equally confused but eventually somebody was able to direct me down a long empty hallway to the other venue. Had Martin Scorcese directed the scene with a […]

Retail Therapy Syndrome


There is a hole inside. And there’s a hole in the schedule. So an effort is made to fill two holes with one go. Whist in Tokyo, I was handed a flyer for another race. It was one of the few things I received that was printed in English. It and the Tokyo Shiho-Shoshi Lawyer’s […]

Consulting the Magic 8 Ball


I gotta get back on the horse. Recovering ever so slowly from the great reflector trip and fall of 2017, I’m struggling with the several days on aches and pains. It never seems so bad at first, the need to push through causing the adrenaline to freely flow and thereby overloading the proverbial nervous system’s […]

Kindred Runners


I recently reactivated my Facebook account… and will be shortly de-activating it once again as there’s too much “noise” in there. But amidst the posts of cat videos, the recipes for food I’ll never make, the political diatribes from all sides, and a moment-by-moment update on a pregnant giraffe, somebody in one of the running […]

Misery Loves…?


So… it looks like the Treasure Coast wasn’t the only one with a misdirected field… Here’s the local news coverage of the Woodlands Marathon out in Texas. As for the Marathon of the Treasure Coast, a quick google search led to the local newspaper revealed comments that I found offensive beyond all comprehension. Here is […]