A Sign o’ the Times…


My Mom and brother worked together to forge a sign to hold up in Kyoto and Tokyo. I give you the kan’ji translation of “Run Kevin Run!” どうもありがとう, Mom and Steve! [Domo arigato, Mom and Steve!]

Reflections on a Plane


It dawns on me that the MS River Marathon post may feel ungrateful or at the least graceless. It’s hard to capture a feeling of disappointment and struggle given “success” in placing at the event. Any success was more luck than anything as I felt like I scraped, scratched, and clawed my way through the […]

Mississippi River Marathon


It feels weird to put this out there given the results photo I snapped, but today was something of a successful failure for me. It was a tough day. Tough logistically as well the bus headed to the start line seemingly didn’t know where to go. Tough emotionally and psychologically. Tough physically. Tough temporarily and […]