Put Me In a Body Bag

I imagine this is how Daniel LaRusso felt at the Under-18 All-Valley Karate Tournament.

My knee and leg feels like it’s been swept all right. The last 24 hours it’s been debilitatingly tender, with flashes of pain based on movement, non-movement, at random times.

Unable to sleep, I finally gave up and headed out the door around 5 AM. It hurt to run on my left leg but it also hurt to NOT run on it so what the hell, right?

I struggled through the mileage, still trying to account for the sad sack late night snacking and just general binge eating.  I know I’m sick of talking about this and you’re most definitely sick of reading it — but the struggle is real on that front.

As is the swept leg.

On the plus side, I did come across two quarters on the run — not that that makes a dime’s worth of difference in the pain department.  More like 4 bits I guess…