The Cannonball Run Photo Album – October 15, 2016

It’s been a tough day of pained joints and scrapped knees.  So this is just a quick upload of the various pics from the Cannonball Marathon on Saturday.  Key things to note:

  1. The mustache was strong for 16 miles… And then the mustache malfunctioned. Still — 16 miles in a marathon? Nice glue job, China!
  2. I went sans-‘stache for a few miles, mainly because the backup ‘stache made breathing even more of a challenge.
  3. While I appreciate the cheers from the few supporters along the way in Greensboro, I have to ask — why would you think I was Zorro?  Maybe they just saw the mask and ‘stache and just assumed… but when has Zorro EVER had an orange head scarf emblazoned with the word, “CHAOS?”  And WHY would Zorro even BE AT a Cannonball Run?

Having laid that all out (and having previously put most of those sentiments up on Facebook immediately after finishing the race), I now present a crash course in the Cannonball Run race:

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