Tours on Ice!

It all goes a bit too wonky and detailed for casual readers, delving into minutiae that even I find a little too much.  But the Reykjavik Marathon tour posts are all up and indexed.  You can access them via the TOURS link above or by clicking the link below.

2016 38 - Reykjavik Marathon August 20 2016

At some stage I’ll go in and update the ABOUT page to better explain that I’m not 100% sure I know what this blog is, really.  I disabled “comments” when I first started partly out of concern for having to police for trolls posting things and partly so I would never really know how many people read this thing anyway.  I think I may have picked up two, maybe even three readers in Iceland.  To those clicking through — welcome!  Know only that it’s best to probably just scan and scroll and not get too bogged down in the details.

I’m fighting a nasty head cold at the moment so I’m off to grab a quick nap.  There’s no time to be sick — too many races coming up, too many adventures.  But that’s what drugs are for.

No doubt soon there’ll be a runkevinrun investigative report into My Doping Scandal.  But for now, fluids, echinacea, and the odd posting to hopefully make you laugh.

Who dares?  This guy dares.
