The LA Marathon Expo: The New Normal?


So the strict COVID-19 protocols has us either doing a rapid test at Dodgers Stadium or somebody trained that morning at checking the Proof of Vaccine and slapping a yellow wrist band as if we were going into some discotheque in the 1990s.


Masks were required everywhere, regardless of vaccine status and even though we were outside… mainly because of close proximity to others and out of an abundance of caution.  I was 100% onboard with this plan… but sadly volunteers working the packet pickup and various participants apparently weren’t.

It feels the world has given up… or refuses to consider trying to ensure we are over the hump of the pandemic.  Had everybody gotten vaccinated that was eligible we’d be in great shape now.  But because of others refusal/reluctance/rabid misinformation, we’re stuck playing Russian roulette.

I’m dreading the race on Sunday.  I’m not sure what the participant count will be, but it will assuredly be the largest gathering of people I’ve been in close contact with since the LAST LA Marathon… which was held just about a week before the world shut down in March 2020.

This is my worried face: