March 1, 2021 – Time and the Website Marches On


This is going to be a little “no-one-cares-but-me” inside “web” baseball. I’ve spent the last few weeks trying to swap over hosting companies as my old one was giving me some grief about the number of “nodes” my site had. Despite paying for “unlimited storage” so I didn’t need to ever contemplate such things, apparently like that time my brother went to an all-you-can-eat bacon buffet and was told by the management after 8 pieces that was all he could eat, my web company said I had too many “nodes” on my unlimited storage plan. I guess everything on a web server is a node — every image, every file, every script, every whatzit and who-zit and shrug-it. And apparently long file names that were cometimes generated by my various digital file attachments sometimes counted as two nodes. Long story short (too late!) I had too many images and not enough”node” allowances… but there was no such thing as a higher tier of node allowance with them, ergo, a need to migrate to a new hosting plan.

I thought I had everything figured out and had migrated a couple of minor websites I had successfully. I tried cancelling those while I worked on getting moved over… only to have ALL the services cancelled, without refund, effective immediately. They wanted me to buy ANOTHER hosting package with them to get the files restored… despite the fact that with no refund I essentially had paid for hosting through 2022.

I had a backup file that I was trying to get to work on the new server but at first it appeared corrupted in its entirety, then I was able to get about half of the site back by going in a different order of restoring files. I figured I’d lost half the past and was kicking myself for stupid mistakes and wrong-headed, bone-headed, block headedness… but tried one more combination.  And like some 1980s text-based adventure game, when you figure out the computer’s designated order of operations, you can get the jeweled necklace and avoid being eaten by a grue.

Which is all to say, I *think* the majority of the site is restored.  It’s a slower hosting service so you may notice a few more hiccups and lags, but honestly with such a low-trafficked site it should be *mostly* fine.  I think on the very best day ever according to the stat monitor I had just over triple digits… and that was for a Boston Marathon post years ago, so yeah, it’s not like I’m CNN or Amazon… or hell, even third circle of hell NewsMax.

Mainly this site is for me, a place to remember and revisit and strive for what’s next.  So I’m glad it’s still here.  And I’m glad to be on to the next “node,” whatever node and however many nodes that may turn out to be.