February 6, 2021 – The Lost Dutchman VIRTUAL Marathon

Yeas ago I ran the Lost Dutchman Marathon out in Apache Junction, AZ. It was a beautiful course and a lot of fun as we were met at the finish by the prospector mascot and his burro.

They couldn’t hold an inperson event this year so opted for a virtual race, as so many other events have quite rightly decided. It is not currently safe to do an inperson event. I sincerely hope in the future we can get back to social interactions even if its 6 feet apart still. But in the meantime, I try and stay running when I can.

So it was today that I stumbled out of bed and threw on my Lost Dutchman 2021 shirt and hit the roads… running the same course routes I’ve been doing for close to a year now. I try and vary the number of loops and where to turn off but let’s be honest it’s super boring no matter how you plot it.

Tired and exhausted, I circled about like that aforementioned prospector searching for the Lost Dutchman mine — round and round and round and round. But I eventually found what I was looking for — 26.2 miles of distance.

And thanks to the ADA sidewalk renovation near my house, there was even a portajohn to give me an “I am there at a race event” feel. I did not use the portajohn but for aesthetics purposes it was… how do you say… chef’s kiss?

Anyhoo, here’s my Garmin with the loo in the blurred background.

And after submitting my results, here’s my current ranking… I know that’s not gonna last.