November 28, 2019 – A Turkey Trot and a Turkey Eaten

Due to circumstances beyond my control… namely the effects of tryptophan post Thanksgiving meal… I opted to crash into a food coma as opposed to posting this yesterday.

So Happy Black Friday, y’all!

In any case, we did a Turkey Trot down in the city beautiful, AKA Orlando.  Unfortunately it was brutally humid, to the point where clouds drifted up and down to obscure skyscrapers and cause us all to be trotting through misty haze more suited to the Scottish moors than Central Florida.

But the family that trots together, eventually eats together on Turkey Day so my brother and I suited up and did the 5K… and Mom was there to cheer us on and capture our finish.

Gobble-gobble… gobbledegook – the prose isn’t particularly sharp today… but the dinner with Steve, Alexis and Mom was on point.  I probably should’ve retaken the photo as we are a little soft-focused but the dinner was getting cold… and, well, Eat Kevin Eat, ya know?

Happy Thanksgiving… and Beyond!