The Third (Iron)Man – An introduction

When Kathey and Allene, two of my Easter Island Pals, asked me to run the marathon leg of an Ironman Relay, I thought it’d be fun.

Turns out, I still think it’ll be fun, but I also think it’ll be bonkers.  Like really, really, ridiculously really bonkers.  And that’s coming from a crazed marathon guy.  I’ve got nothing on these folks.

Amongst the things I found out on race weekend:

1) No selfies or cameras or phones on the course… if you have a phone it must remain in your pocket.

2) No one can help you along the course except the volunteers at the designated aid stations — if some passersby hand you a cup of water because it’s 96 degrees (as it’s forecast for tomorrow), that’s a disqualifying offense.

3) The swim and biking portions are so far beyond me and my skills and my heart’s drive that I’d be done before I even stepped foot on the beach in the first leg of the swim, bike, run trilogy.

There’s a lot more, too.  There are a lot of niggling details and minor rules that sound less like rules for a race and more like the rules for working at Hudsucker Industries:

This is apparently the first year they’ve done a relay for a full Ironman and there are supposedly 50 teams.  We kept trying to get details on the logistics for us passing off the timing ankle bracelet but it was only made more unclear as time went on.

I’m nonchalant about my part as it’s “just” a marathon.  There wasn’t a lot of information at the mandatory athlete talk that related to the relay teams — it was exclusively details for the brave men and women attempting to swim 2.4 miles, bike 116 miles, then run a 26.2 mile marathon before the cutoff.

We will see what tomorrow brings.  As it stands, we’re supposed to meet up at the race HQ at 5 AM tomorrow for last minute prep and transport to various starting points.  Kathey is anticipating about 90 minutes in the downstream swim, Allene is budgeting to be done by 5:30 PM at the latest with her bike portion, and then I start my marathon.  So basically, I have 12.5 hours before I start running once I get to the venue.  I’m trying to decide then if I should go see Rambo: Last Blood or Downton Abbey to kill some time.  It feels like Downton Abbey might be a fun option for when I’m running with Ironmen and Ironwomen who have already conquered a crazy swim and bike ride.  “How’d your morning and afternoon go?” they’ll ask.  “Oh, ya know, I though Act II was a little repetitive but things really rallied once Bates and Lady Crawley teamed up to break up the smuggling ring.”

A photo at our pre-IronMan carbo over-load dinner.

Hashtag: Team Easter Island Pals.  You can track us with this app.  We’re bib number 3013.