The Twenty Cent Failure

This day just keeps getting worse and worse.

I went to Wal-Mart for one thing (albeit I had a list of other things but they were just because I was going). And I got everything on the list… except the one thing I went there for in the first place. I’m lethargic and a mess and 25 pounds overweight and I thought maybe a daily multivitamin might help to try and jumpstart the old body that is ever-more breaking down and creaking and rusting and just generally decaying before my eyes. I’m feeling old, fat, and forgetful.

Would that I would forget I was old and fat. Now that would be something.

I did remember on my shopping trip to buy a wooden dowel. You see, I need to fix my elephant ears.

What? Your elephant ears don’t flop around on you? They just fit. Must be nice. But when you’re trying to run a 5K at Walt Disney World next week by channeling your inner Dumbo, believe me, the ears matter.

I thought this 20 cent dowel safety pinned to the ears would enable a proper “flop.”  But sadly it was just a flop… full stop.

Sigh. Back to the drawing board.

Twenty cents wasted!

I might as well have thrown two dimes into the sewer. Or a dime and two nickels… three coins… into a fountain. I’d have had a better result I’m sure.