13 Hours – A Non-Michael Bay Short

Thirteen hours later, I’m at my murder hotel for the evening. It’s a spotty internet connection… I wonder if that’s what caused such wifi delights to have violent ends.

For the record, I don’t know if there was a murder in this hotel or not. But I don’t NOT know either. This is how things are apparently done in 2017. The tweet speaks for itself. What malarkey.

Anyhoo, here are stray shots from the road trip.

First, a moon over In-N-Out courtesy of my crazed early rise to get out the door…

Then, a large gap, with me ultimately coming to this sign. I was in this exact spot a few weeks back. As then, it’s either my way or the highway. And as it’s a weekend trip, it’s a safe bet that all roads lead to a race so it doesn’t matter which road I take, Mr Frost.

Having at this stage driven hour plus hours, and with another hour or so ahead of me, I almost didn’t take the turn off to the Four Corners Monument.

And it’s a good thing I didn’t hesitate. I got there at 4:30. I was twenty minutes away from the proverbial moose outside telling me the park was closed.

But I played Four Corners Twister — Right Hand: Nevada!

From there I went to Shiprock to pick up my bib. Number 96 has to be lucky. It’s the same upside down as right side up. I can’t lose!

And now a few hours rest before making the forty minute drive from the Rim Lodge Murder Hotel in Farmington back to Shiprock at 4:45 AM.

It could be worse; I originally booked a hotel through Orbitz in the “Shiprock area.” Last week I double checked the directions from that “area hotel” and it was a 6.5 hour drive! I guess in the Southwest “area” is relative.