Travel Day and Weather Forecasts


Well, crap. It looks like it’s going to rain for my race tomorrow. I guess it could be worse; I could be running in Washington, DC. I’m just about to get into the car and drive the 6 hours+ to the San Francisco area. The Crystal Springs Trail Marathon is held rain or shine and […]

Selling Points


I get a fair bit of junk emails.  Some of it is from spammers and some of it is legitimate stuff that for one reason or another the spam algorithm has decided is junk… no matter how many times previously I’ve clicked the “Wait…it’s safe!” button for the sender. Apropos of nothing, I checked my […]

Antarctica: The Countdown Is On


It dawns on me today that in eight weeks I’ll be on my way back from Antarctica.  That means that in just about six weeks I’ll be heading to Antarctica. Marathon Tours, who are handling the majority of the logistics on this crazy adventure, are sending me weekly emails now with last minute details and […]

Bad Days


I’m in a funk.  Last night I was tossing and turning, fitfully facing nightmares and weird dreams.  I don’t often sleep well but this was a particularly trying night.  And it’s been a series of bad days lately — nothing that I can specifically point to as the culprit, nor specific examples that seem particularly […]

Quoth the Runner


The internet is awash with memes and instagram snapshots of inspirational quotes.  There are times when I feel like the whole world has been overrun by those corporate motivational posters.  You know the ones — DEDICATION and there’s a photo of a mountain and some Jack Handey style commentary on what dedication means.  Or PERSEVERANCE […]