Travels with Andi – A Teaser Trailer

Yesterday after the marathon I was able to book  on short notice with my hotel a half day sunset tour. My driver, Andi, then was also my driver today for a full day tour. There were ups and downs, highlights and lowlights, pros and cons, but ultimately I’m glad I did what I did in the last 36 hours.

One major setback was last night I caught a cold. How can I trace the origins to there? Before the fire dance show started this couple sat down next to me. He was coughing up a lung but not wanting to cough on his paramour he kept turning and coughing directly onto me. I could feel the germs creeping through my system and this morning, well scratchy sore throatapalooza.

And let’s tell it true-true here. When the lights went down that guy was swapping spit with his girl and sucking her face like his name was Dyson Hoover. What a jerk.

Anyway, now I’m sick with a sore throat and that may have colored a bit of today’s marginally disappointing sightseeing. But more on that later.

For now, here’s me and Andi awaiting sunset yesterday.