June 22, 2017 – On the Road To Recovery

Hopped up on antibiotics and popping pills like a 1980s supermodel, I’m working my way back from the razor’s edge of illness.  I went out for a short, slow run this morning to try and sweat out the toxins (the humidity percentage here has to be high 90s and the temperatures are roughly the same in Fahrenheit).  As for jetlag?  Man, if I weren’t scribbling the dates at the top of these posts I’d have no clue what day it was.  The road to recovery begins with a first step… if that’s the case, I think my fitness tracker is still in negative numbers.

I’m working on a few other things and hopefully there will be one final post of photos from Madagascar once I liaise with MarathonTours to see about some of their official ATV shot race photos… albeit given my forthcoming feedback letter to them, I may be runnah non grata to that Boston business (that’s why it’s “runnah”, get it?).

Meanwhile, two final images here… me, seeking cell phone coverage in the Madagascar hills.  It was surprisingly strong in Isalo… just ungodly expensive to place a call or receive a text.